interactive audiovisual instrumental theater
Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler
Historically the thought is following the development of the instrumental theater by Mauricio Kagel & Karlheinz Stockhausen for a mutual apply in multimedia arts.Here is the attempt of combination of instrumental theater with electroacoustic music in an improvised interactive audiovisual structure.
The idea of >work in progress< dedicates to an >interdisciplinary and cross-cultural communication<.
In the sense of interdisciplinary progress this work offer an open form for all arts to have reciprocated experiences.
The stage aspect associates with the Chinese shadow-puppet-show (
) and running-figure-lantern (
) for approaching a mind of cross-culture exchange.
Technical Realization
4x G4 Macintosh computers (for audio and video processing)4x midi interfaces (for each computer)
2x condenser microphones, 2x contact mics, 2x wireless mics & 1x room mics (stereo)
6x active loud-speakers
1x audio mixing console (minimum 16 In/6 Out)
3x data video projectors
1x CD Player
3x (orbit) projection walls (each 200x250cm)
3x (orbit) projection walls (each 150x200cm)
3x stage beamers (colored stage light)
1x suspended revolving stand (for 3x stage beamers)
1x subwoofer
div. cables
Dimensions of the work
One circuit stage, two musicians (Kuwayama Kiyoharu: violoncello, Kijima Rina: violin), two dancers (1x male, 1x female, or one actor & one actress), three (orbit) projection walls
details of the stage sketch
Dimensions of the materials
Macintosh G4 Computers, microphones, 6-channel speaker system, projectors,CD player, mixer, MIDI interfaces, and Max/msp, X-pose
Functions of the work
Length of the work: ca. 20 minTechnically this work detects audio by a number of microphones, which are carried by the musicians and dancers (or actor & actress). It then makes a choice of pictures accordingly to the sound and transforms those. Also the sound will be transformed in stereo of 6 channel by granular synthesis and will fit it in a prepared electroacoustic composition and stage arrangement.
The audiovisual ambience and the interpreters are open to the public. The performance is expected, but undetermined. The public can participate in this performance by going and coming through the orbit stage like the moving figures in the Chinese running-figure-lantern.
For the performance of this piece the number of actors and musicians can be various, and even the public can take aktive part of the performance.
We would like to perform with two musicians (for example Kuwayama Kiyoharu: violoncello, Kijima Rina: violin), two dancer (1x male, 1x female, or one actor & one actress) with good vocal-improvisation to interpret this piece and to have friendly supply of technical equipment for the realization of this work.
At the International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA) 27.- 31 Oktober, Nagoya Japan.
At ISEA 02 we will perform with the Japanese Experimental Music DuoKuwayama Kiyoharu (violoncello) and Kijima Rina (violin)ISEA Performance at North Hall Warehouse No.20, Garden Pier in Port of Nagoya
and two dancer, Junko Sugano & Kawamura Atunori.
at 12:30 noon of October from the premiere
from l 2 r: Andreas Weixler, Rina Kijima, Kiyoharu Kuwayama, Se-lien-Chuang