Deutsche Version
Kirschblütenfest (2005) by Se-Lien
8-channel electroacoustic composition
Produced at electronic studio of TU Berlin 2005
Length: 10´ 30´´ (10 minutes 30 seconds)
Première 05.- 07. 05. 2005, Hidden Museum, Fraxern/Feldkirch,
feast of cherry blossom
This piece is commissioned by Bernhard Kathan, Hidden Museum/Feldkirch.
The electroacoustic sounds come from a recording of the instrumental
sounds created by the contemporary technique performing on grand piano
with hairs of bows (arco-piano), which gives a very sophisticated
sound of the piano. The real instrumental sounds were tranformed
through audio processing tools GRM-, Waves- and TDM plugins into
defamiliarized electronic sounds. Also the synthetic sounds which
appear in this piece were generated by the programming in SuperCollider.
The illustration of the electroacoustic sounds flickered across the
listening space with a blossom like and light, floating character
accompanies the imagination of the audience.
Das Fallen der Blüten. Wie innig.
Und Weh-en des Windes. Hautnah.
This composition was realized at electronic studio of the TU Berlin.
The applied Plugins of sound processing in ProTools are: GRM Tools
(Equalize, FreqWarp, Freezing, Doppler, Contrast), X-Noise, Mod Delay
II Long, MondoMod, Digirack TimeAdjuster, AudioTrack, SuperTab, Waves
Doubler4 etc.
Layout plan allocation
of the tracks for 8 speaker system (PDF)
Layout plan allocation
of the tracks for 4 speaker system (PDF)
- created: 18.04.2006 cse AAA