IAMAS, Ogaki, Gifu, Japan, 2nd of August 2008, 3.30 PM, Multimedia
I always whisper
to them (2008)
audiovisual realtime interaction
Andreas Weixler (A), multichannel granular synthesis
Se-Lien Chuang (A/TW), interactive visuals, bass recorder
Kiyoharu Kuwayama (JP), viola and devices
about 30 min.
with kind support of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Tokyo,
Province of Styria, City of Graz, Province of Upper Austria, City of
I always whisper
to them (2008)
audiovisual realtime interaction
The title is a quote of John Lennon while recording his famous album
It indicates ironically the existence of (for others) invisible
creatures around him.
I also feel like that some times, especially if unexpected mistakes are
happening, then I always whisper to „them“.
Coming to Ogaki and the first time during summer Japan, we were amazed
by the Semi insects, invisible filling the air with rich sound high up
in the trees.
Each insect performs its little sound grain and altogether it reaches
that liveliness of acoustic movements. This reminds me on our art work
in multichannel granular synthesis: In that combination we always
whisper to them.
Improvised instrumental music and computer realtime processes interact
and reciprocally influence each other in order to blend into a unique
work of art of realtime composition. Realtime processes of an
audiovisual interactive computer system result in a free artist´s
musical expression. Our art work and research describes the hook-up
between human and machine, between musical inspiration and digital
concepts. Musical instruments act as interfaces for digital audio
processing and enable human beings to communicate with digital
technologies as well as to generate, receive and exchange data versus
emotions, or in other words: to promote art and science. The goal of
our interactive realtime performances is to explore new forms of
creative expression and to increase communication and collaborations
between science and art.