take basis on the video materials from In the Cage, premiere at 21. Februrary 1998 at Schömer Haus, Klosterneuburg/Austria
The video Catch in the Cage
6 movements. The total time is 15´01
I 2´43´´
II 2´27´´
III 1´54´´
IV 2´40´´
V 1´50´´
VI 3´12´´
This video project was produced on Power Macintosh G3/233 desktop withsoftware: Adobe Premiere 4.2.1 LE version and ProTools 4.1 version. Forthe public is this video in VHS (Pal) & CD-Rom to have a look at it.
dynamic pick-up: the first step to have anoverlook at the original materials and cut-out on the available picturesand appropriate music with consideration of the balance between the pictures& music
technique manipulation: abstraction, distortion,effect-digitalising, perversion, motion formation, hue & saturation,reverse, reverse, tint-shade, spatial design, synthesis
esthetic thought: the expectant
intentioned disparity, the indefinable counter-trust, the
between the image slides and the music tracks,
summing up of the 6 movements:
movement I dance illustration, Schömer-Haus image & the human-computerpolarization
movement II theatre and the musician are performed parallel with anticipatedmusic on the background
movement III sudden undertaking through the unhumanized computerisationand the supported arounding sounds
movement IV soft lead-in in dance choreography with accompanying of thelittle, easy music
movement V visual slur-up out of the original materials
movement VI the peaked delicate demonstrasion on the digitalized effectsto disguise the extraction
the video was realized at Atelier Avant Graz/Austria at Autumn 1998. Forthe support of this production I do like to have special thanks to Dr. KarlheinzEssl and Mag. Andreas Weixler.