NIME - The International
Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Utrecht (NL) and online 4-6 September 2024

interactive audiovisual comprovisation for C2S2 - Chinese
Calligraphic Scenic Score
by Atelier Avant Austria
Se-Lien Chuang, interactive visuals, vocal & C2S2
Andreas Weixler, e-guitar & audio realtime processing
Selected work for NIME 2024 in Utrecht.
The illustrated structure and the organization of lines and
strokes are the essence of the Chinese calligraphy. In an artistic
analogy to musical expression, the rhythmic dynamics of the hand,
the time-shifting method, the articulation of breath, the wet
pen/dry nib and the speed of pen movement during the writing-
process-momentum combine the characteristics of time and space in
a distinctively individual and an immediately compositional way.
Here is the occasion to pick up the brush again for the desire of
linking the beauty of the cultural treasure with the globally
interconnected understanding of contemporary music.
C2S2 - Chinese Calligraphic Scenic Score: The Chinese calligraphy
will be written in Cursive script (草書) in realtime. Every stroke
is interpreted musically and audiovisually computer processed in
Friday the 6th of September 2024, 20:30
location: the Hertz venue at Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht
at NIME - New Instruments for Musical Expression Conference
video docu