CMS guest 2014:
Prof. Dr. Andrew
Professor of Composition at Bangor University (Wales, UK), director
of the Electroacoustic Music Studios
curated by Andreas Weixler

CMS-Gesprächskonzert: Porträt Andrew Lewis
Montag, 28.04.2014, ABPU Kleiner Saal, Wildbergstrasse 18, Linz
Andrew Lewis, Professor of Composition,
Bangor University, Wales/UK
Till Körber, Klavier
Carlo Lionetti, Fagott
Organisation: Andreas Weixler

CMS-invited lecture series
Kompositionsworkshop mit Andrew Lewis, Professor of
Composition, Bangor University, Wales/UK
Dienstag, 29.04. ABPU, CMS - Lehrstudio, Sandgasse 14, Linz
10:00-13:00 Uhr

Andrew Lewis
studied composition with Jonty Harrison at the University of
Birmingham (UK), completing a doctorate in 1991. He was one of the
original members of BEAST, and throughout the 1980s and early 90s
worked with them on many electroacoustic concerts and events. His
output is predominantly acousmatic music, but he also composes for
conventional forces (chamber, vocal, orchestral) with or without
electronics. His music has won several prizes, awards and mentions:
PRS (UK), Euphonie d’or (Bourges, France), Prix Ars Electronica
(Linz, Austria), Stockholm Electronic Arts Award (Sweden), Hungarian
Radio, British Arts Council Bursary, Noroit (France), ARTS XXI
(Valencia, Spain), CIMESP (São Paulo, Brazil).
He is Professor of Composition at Bangor University (Wales, UK),
where he heads composition studies and directs the work of the
Electroacoustic Music Studios. He also directs Electroacoustic
Wales, which acts as a focus for the creation and dissemination of
electroacoustic music throughout Wales.