CMS invited lecture series
Seppo Gründler
Professor an der FH Joanneum, Graz
Jg. 1956, Musiker, Komponist, Medienkünstler, Masterstudium
Studiengangsleiter von Media, Sound and Interaction Design, Visiting
Professor an der Donauuniversität Krems, Mitglied des Instituts für
Medienarcheologie, Präsident des Vereins zur Verbreitung Neuer
Musik, lehrt Interaktionsdesign und Sounddesign, Leiter des
Instituts für Design und Kommunikation/FH JOANNEUM
CMS invited lecture #23
Build Your Electronic Instrument/SoundObject (working with
Raspberry and Satellite CCRMA)
14.12.2015, 15:30 Uhr
CMS invited lecture #24
Realtime-Soundstrategies on Mobile Devices (Android(IOS)),
Examples in Pure Data and Mobmuplat
15.12.2015, 10:30 Uhr
Sonic Lab_ABPU
CMS Gesprächskonzert #6
Seppo Gründler
„Once I was a guitarist“
14.12.2015 _19:30 Uhr
Sonic Lab_ABPU

CMS invited lecture #23
Build Your Electronic Instrument/SoundObject (working with
Raspberry and Satellite CCRMA)
15:30 - 18:00 Sonic Lab
Some knowledge of MAX or PD would be good, but not mandatory.
Laptop or access to computer with the following installed:
Pure Data or Pure Data Extended Installed:
Arduino IDE installed: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Satellite CCRMA: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~eberdahl/Satellite/
Pure Data: https://puredata.info
Arduino: https://www.arduino.cc/
Arduino Nano: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardNano
I will handle out (one set for two people):
Rasperry PI plus Arduino Nano on breadboard
Short ethernet cable
Power supply
Some sensors etc.
15h30-16h30: Impuls lecture, setting up, testing environment
16h30-17h45: Sketching and patching the instrument
17h45-18h: presentations, q&r
If You want to work on You can keep the set till next day 13h
Expected outcome: simple self programmed prototype of electronic
instrument, overview and insights in possibilities of self building
and design process.

CMS invited lecture #24
Realtime-Soundstrategies on Mobile Devices (Android(IOS)),
Examples in Pure Data and Mobmuplat
10:30 - 13:00 Sonic Lab
Some knowledge of MAX or PD would be good, but not mandatory.
Laptop or access to computer with the following installed:
Pure Data 0.46 Installed: http://msp.ucsd.edu/software.html
bring one tablet or smartphone
Install MobMuplat following the section „Setup“ on http://www.mobmuplat.com/
(scroll down):
App on mobile device, MobMuPlat Development Package on
Pure Data: https://puredata.info
Mobmuplat: http://www.mobmuplat.com/
10:30-11:30 Impulse Lecture and Examples
11:30-12:30 Patcheing an Designing Sound App
Expected outcome: simple self programmed prototype of mobile
sound-app, overview and insights in possibilities of self building
and design process of mobile sound apps.

CMS Gesprächskonzert #6
Seppo Gründler
„Once I was a guitarist“
14.12.2015 _19:30 Uhr
Sonic Lab_ABPU
Seppo Gründler ist Musiker, Komponist, Medienkünstler,
Professor und Studiengangsleiter des Masterstudium Communication,
Media, Sound and Interaction Design an der FH Joanneum, Graz