CMS invited lecture series
Rosalía Soria & Constantin Popp
University of Manchester and Liverpool Hope University, UK

CMS invited lecture #26
Rosalía Soria & Constantin Popp
Two Personal Approaches to Synthesis in Composition
26.04.2016 Sonic Lab 15:30- 17:10

CMS invited lecture #27
Rosalía Soria & Constantin Popp
Laptop Improv
27.04.2016 Sonic Lab 11.00- 12:40

CMS Gesprächskonzert #7
Rosalía Soria & Constantin Popp
27.04.2016 Sonic Lab 19:30
Rosalia Soria Luz
is a mexican composer, bass player, and electronics engineer. She
was born in Tlalpujahua Michoacán, México.
She studied composition at the “Conservatorio de las Rosas” in
Morelia Michoacán, with Eduardo Solís, Javier Álvarez and Juan
Sebastián Lach. She also completed a masters in Electrical
Engineering at the UMSNH in Morelia, focusing in Automatic Control
Systems and linear systems modelling. She worked as a Lecturer at
the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the UMSNH from 2008 to 2012.
In 2012 she was awarded with the prestigious President Doctoral
School awards from the University of Manchester to study her PhD in
composition at NOVARS research centre.
Her research is focused on the use of state-space mathematical
models for sound synthesis and electroacoustic composition. Her
works include multichannel fixed media pieces, mixed media and
instrumental works.
Constantin Popp
studied electroacoustic composition at the Hochschule für Musik
Franz Liszt in Weimar with Robin Minard and at the University of
Manchester with David Berezan. The German Academic Exchange Agency,
the Arts and Humanities Research Council and Victor Sayer funded his
PhD research at the University of Manchester. He worked at the
Friedrich-Schiller Universität, HfM Weimar, ETH Zürich, HfK Bremen,
University of Manchester, Liverpool Hope Uni, the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO
des SWR and ZKM. His research investigates the creation of space
using loudspeaker arrays, as well as live-electronics and