The Colours of A Woodenflute
audiovisual realtime processing improvisation for bass-recorder and
computer system

Se-Lien Chuang: composition, bass recorder, interactive visuals,
Andreas Weixler: composition, multichannel real time granular
synthesis, Max/MSP/Jitter
This is the newest concept of an algorithmic composition/improvisation
with the audiovisual interactive computer system created by Andreas
Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang in the graphical programming environment Max
Msp Jitter. Instruments are played in the style of contemporary
composition/improvisation, in this case a bass recorder, which is a
wooden flute with a low register, contemporary playing techniques like
multiphonics and a smooth, warm sound.
The computer system consists of a pitch and dynamic detection,
real-time visual processes and a live multi-channel granular synthesis
with advanced controlling and performing methods. All computing
devices, the audio detection, the visual and the audio processing are
linked via a wireless Lan to reciprocally influence each other.
VIDEO: bfl3m
(21 MB)
selection for ICMC 07
International Computer Music Conference, Kopenhagen, Denmark, concert
at Huset i
29/8 at 22:00
with the kind support of the Austrian Embassy in Copenhagen 
Experimental Intermedia, New
York City, 15th of December 2006
a concert of computer music, art video and interactive
audiovisual improvisation
25th anniversary Atelier Avant Austria/ 10th anniversary artistic
cooperation Weixler-Chuang
electronic access @ Goldsmiths,
6th of November 2006
Great Hall, Goldsmiths College, London
A concert of computer music, video and interactive audiovisual
25th anniversary Atelier Avant Austria/ 10th anniversary artistic
cooperation Weixler-Chuang
The development of our audiovisual interactive system is described
here: ARS_CMI