Foto © Chuang-Weixler (click to enlarge)

vs 040102019_11:30

Virtuoso Chances
Portrait Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler

Encounter of the Austrian/Taiwanese duo with the Sonic Arts Ensemble of ACCAD. Algorithmic concepts, improvisation and realtime audiovisual processing, electroacoustic music and art video.

CONCERT 23 September 2019 8 pm

The Motion Lab 


Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
at The Ohio State University

in Columbus, Ohio, USA

free and open to the public


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Composer and performer Se-Lien Chuang and Andreas Weixler also known as Atelier Avant Austria are invited to a collaborative visit to the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) at The Ohio State University.

New experiences will be evoked in the encounter of the Austrian/Taiwanese artists duo with the local Sonic Arts Ensemble and the composer Marc Ainger and flutist Ann Stimson. The artworks range from algorithmic concepts, improvisation in mutual influence of  acoustic instrumental sounds and realtime audiovisual processing as well as multichannel electroacoustic music and art video.

The venue Motion Lab is a rapidly reconfigurable interdisciplinary space for motion research and advanced technology performance investigation and therefore the perfect place for experiments in the field of contemporary composition, instrumental playing techniques and realtime computing of score, sound and pictures.

CO_SPONSORED by the Livable Futures Initiative of the Global Arts and Humanities at  the Ohio State University and also ACCAD and the School of Music
with kind support of the Austria Cultural Forum New York

Foto © Peter Purgar

Se-Lien Chuang

composer, pianist and media artist, 1965 born in Taiwan, since 1991 residence in Austria. The artistic and compositional emphases range from contemporary instrumental composition/improvisation, computer music to audiovisual interactivity.

International productions, research stays and lectures as well as numerous representations of compositions in Europe, Asia, North- and South America: ICMC, SICMF Seoul, NIME, ISEA, IAMAS Japan, Ars Electronica Linz, among others.

2016-2019 lecturer at Computer Music Studio, Institute of Composition, Conducting and Computer Music at the Anton Bruckner Private University for computer notation and contemporary playing techniques.

Since 1996 jointly with Andreas Weixler running Atelier Avant Austria, with key aspects in development of audiovisual interactive systems and audio/visual realtime/non-realtime processing, computer music and algorithmic composition.

Foto © Peter Purgar


Andreas Weixler

born 1963 in Graz, Austria, is a composer for contemporary composition and computer music with a special emphasis in intermedia concerts of improvisation and contemporary composition.

He is teaching currently at the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, at InterfaceCulture of the University of Arts in Linz and serves as studio director and associate university professor at the CMS computer music studio at Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz where he initiated the development of the computer music studios and intermedia multichannel computer music concert hall, Sonic Lab.

His education starts with contemporary composition at the University of Arts in Graz, Austria with Andrzej Dobrowolski, Younghi Pagh-Paan and diploma by Beat Furrer, and is completed by international projects, study stays and researches. His concepts led to invitations to concerts, performances, presentations and lectures in Europe, Asia, North and South America. Multiple selections for international conferences ICMC, NIME, NYCEMF, SICMF, ISEA among others.

Andreas Weixler founded intermedia concert series like Sonic Intermedia (ars electronica center Linz), electronic access and is running Atelier Avant Austria together with Se-Lien Chuang.

2018 Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang are the ICMA award winner for the best European performance.