WS 2005/06
Stand 6.10.2005
Programmiersprachen I /Audio
Programmierungen (3 SWst)
im InterfaceCulture Lab
FR 7.10.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
FR 14.10.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
DO 20.10.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
DO 27.10.2005 - 15.15-17.30 (3 E)
FR 4.11.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
FR 11.11.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
DO 24.11.2005 - 15.00 - 17.15 (statt
MO 28.11.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
FR 02.12.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
MO 5.12.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
FR 16.12.2005 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
DO 12.01.2006 - 15.00 - 17.15 (statt 10.15-12.30)
FR 20.01.2006 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
FR 27.01.2006 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
FR 03.02.2006 - 10.15-12.30 (3 E)
Vermittelt werden Grundlagen der digitalen Klangbearbeitung in Theorie
und Praxis,
Klangeditierung und Sounddesign, Gestaltung von Audiotracks
Software ProTools, Logic, Msp, Audacity u.a
Spezialthemen Psychoakustik, Sampling und algorithmische Klangsteuerung
At the University of Arts in Linz, Austria, Institute of Media,
division Interface Cultures
up to date skills of digital sound processing and editing enables the
students to create their own sound design for their artwork.
This includes practical work with various audio editing software as
well as theoretical background knowledge for example of sampling,
algorithmic processes, acoustics and psycho acoustics.