event# |
events 2020concerts, lectures & events |
Jänner | |
1 curating Linz |
![]() ![]() CMS invited lecture #38 CMS Gesprächskonzert #16 James Dooley and Edmund Hunt Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Birmingham City University, UK 21.01.20120 ABPU_Sonic
James Dooley
& Dr Edmund Hunt
Lab - Royal Birmingham Conservatoire
| Birmingham City University
Integra Lab Portrait Concert: James Dooley and Edmund Hunt more info organisation: Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang note by the organizer about the history of events: Se-Lien Chuang and Andreas Weixler were invited by John Chowing (CCRMA Stan- ford) as Austrian representatives for the Longyou Grotto caves project in China, were we first met James and Edmund in October 2019. Being thrilled by the exper- tise and politeness of our young colleagues we are happy to introduce their Integra Lab to the CMS - Computer Music Studio in Linz, Austria. |
März | |
2 Studio Improvisation Graz |
LIMA Session 1. März 2020, Graz Yvonne Hofmeister, voc Se-Lien Chuang, voc Harald Hofmeister, guit Andreas Weixler, guit |
3 #homestage |
STIO Quarantäne Session Styrian Improvisers Orchestra 29.04.2020, 18.00 Online Jam ![]() ![]() mit Yvonne Hofmeister Franz Schmuck Gernot Tutner Harald Hofmeister Jean-Christophe Mastnak Seppo Gründler Josef Klammer Keyvan Paydar Martin Kolber Michael Laab Se-Lien Chuang Andreas Weixler Mia Zabelka FB Fotos |
4, 5 |
![]() NIME 2020 21-25 July 2020, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Integra Lab Day 4 NIME_OnlineVirtualConcert 20:00 Music 4: Translation, Rules and Games Sonic Cultures (2020) This video shows the concert of the related conceived piece „Momentum ACCAD“ by the authors, premiere on the 23rd September 2019, with the Sonic Arts Ensemble at The Motion Lab, ACCAD OSU - Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design at The Ohio State University in Columbus in the framework of „Virtuoso Chances“ - Portrait Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler Credits: The OSU Sonic Arts Ensemble (Marc Ainger and Federico Camara Halac, co-directors) Jacob Kopcienski - saxophone Samantha Burgess - violin Yildiz Guventurk - percussion Federico Camara Halac - thornblower Se-Lien Chuang - realtime video processing Andreas Weixler - realtime audio processing & iScore conducting Day 5 Live Streaming Sets time: 25.Jul.2020 10:00 PM Vienna 09:00 PM UK / b´ham live stream NIME 2020 concert by Atelier Avant Austria Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler Experimental live streaming concert on 25.07.2020 for NIME conference at 21-25 July, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire @ Atelier Avant Austria • Se-Lien Chuang, Yan-Zin, bass recorder, interactive visuals • Andreas Weixler, electric guitar, realtime audio processing visuals programmed in Max/Jitter spectral delay, spectral freeze reverb, ring modulation, multichannel granular synthesis in Max/MSP https://nime2020.bcu.ac.uk |
6, 7, 8, 9 | ars electronica Festival 2020 betreute Studierenden-Projekte soundinglinz - Projekt der Linzer Klangwolke 2020 Michael Hutsteiner (AT), Konzert Radio Fro Stadtwerkstatt, Linz 12.09.2020, 15 h https://soundinglinz.at/radiofro/ https://soundinglinz.at/soundartists-radiowolke/ JKU LIT @ Ars Electronica Exposed Building, Sience Park 2 Michael Roland (AT), Michael Mayr (AT), Robert Holzinger (AT), Markus Vogl (AT) https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/exposed-building/ Electrified Feedback Cello Michael Hutsteiner (AT), Verena Breitfuß (AT) Donnerstag, 10. September 2020, 19:30 - 19:50 Freitag, 11. September 2020, 19:30 - 19:50 Samstag, 12. September 2020, 19:30 - 19:50 Ars Electronica Center https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/electrified-feedback-cello/ Of Peacocks and Men Irena Birsa (SI), Simona Korošec (SI) Donnerstag, 10. September 2020, 18:45 - 19:00 Freitag, 11. September 2020, 19:30 - 20:00 Deep Space 8K https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/of-peakocks-and-men/ |
10, 11 |
コンピュータで音楽遊びをしよう {Let's play music on your computer} NCU Nagoya City University 10月10日(土) 14:00 pm and 16.000 pm Japan time, 10.10.2020 06.00 am and 08.00 am Austrian time performance and chat with Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler hosted by Mikako Mizuno https://www.street-academy.com/myclass/94805 Learn this You will experience the process of music production while talking about how computer music is made. Actually, we ask everyone to make sounds with things around us, record them in real time from the sound studio side of Nagoya City University, and use them as music! GarageBand (MacOS version), a free iOS app that can be used on iPhone and iPad, is used, so if you are interested, you can create your own in the future. In addition, guests from overseas will also participate in zoom from the field to introduce works of art using environmental sounds. Cast: Akiko Oshiyama Guest commentary: Mikako Mizuno Guest appearance: Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang Cooperation: Kensuke Okano, Hideaki Inoue, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Ken Yasue, Kento Takahashi ![]() ![]() Nagoya City Sonic Culture (Youtube link of the performance) https://youtu.be/A1tE8h-xYoQ performance by Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler commissioned by NCU Nagoya City University. Performed at Atelier Avant Austria 2020 Se-Lien Chuang - interaktive visuals, Yan-Zin (chinese dulcimer) Software: Max/JItter; Modular Filter - programmed by Se-Lien Chuang Andreas Weixler - audio realtime processing, electric guitar Software: Max/Msp; Granular Synthesis, Special Delay, Ring Modulation, Spectral Freeze - programmed by Andreas Weixler |
12 |
musikprotokoll 20207. – 11.10.2020 in GrazStreichquartett
extended - die andere saite
11.10. | 17:30 Dom im Berg, Schloßberg Graz Programm Werke: Duty Cycles on Urban Tribes Trilologie von Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler Duty Cycles für Streichquartett, Zuspielung und live Elektronik von Se-Lien Chuang (UA 2020) Urban Tribes für Streichquartett und live Elektronik von Andreas Weixler (UA 2020) Sonic Cultures Interaktion mit audiovisuellen Echtzeit-Prozessen von und mit Andreas Weixler / Se-Lien Chuang / Stadler Quartett (UA 2020) http://avant.mur.at/concerts/2020/mp20/index.html Interpreten: Stadler Quartett (Salzburg) Fotos |
13 |
Ö1 Zeitton Di, 20.10.2020 | 23:03-00:00 | Ö1 Duty Cycles on Urban Tribes, Trilologie von Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler Stadler Quartett (Salzburg) Gestaltung: Franz Josef Kerstinger Konzert Dom Im Berg, Graz vom 11.10. https://oe1.orf.at/programm/20201020/615074/Streichquartett-mit-neuer-Technik-beim-musikprotokoll |