event# |
2011 |
21, 22 educational, Linz |
invited lecture series #7 curated by Andreas Weixler Reactable Workshop Univ. Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner (InterfaceCulture, Kunstuniversität, Linz) Dezember 2011, Anton-Bruckner Privatuniversität Wildbergstrasse 18, Linz Eintritt frei. Freitag, 16.12, ABPU, 10.30-12.30, 15.00-18.00 Der "Reactable Workshop" gibt die einzigartige Möglichkeit hands-on mit dem innovativen musikalischen Interface des reactable unter Anleitung des Co-Erfinders Martin Kaltenbrunner zu studieren und zu performieren. Reactable Workshop Konzert Freitag, 16.12, kleiner Saal ABPU, 19:30 mit Martin Kaltenbrunner, Workshopteilnehmern und Gästen featuring: Philipp Kienberger, Bass Gäste: Helene Griesslehner, SpectralDelay und Martin Ohrwalder, Trompete (alternative Ensemblekonzepte, Klasse Andreas Weixler) more |
19, 20 educational, Linz |
CMS - invited lecture
series #6 curated by Andreas Weixler André Bartezki, Elektronisches Studio der TU-Berlin Gesprächskonzert und Super Collider Workshop November 2011 Anton-Bruckner Privatuniversität Wildbergstrasse 18, Linz ![]() GesprächskonzertDonnerstag 24.11.2011, 19.30, Kleiner Saal Workshop
18 contemporay composition concert Graz |
die andere saite 21. November 2011, Kulturzentrum Minoriten, Graz Violoncello Solo & Elektronik Konzert Michael Moser, Violoncello Werke Andreas Weixler die Grenzen des Zufalls interaktive iScore Komposition mit live processing Se-Lien Chuang of which your soul was constituted für Cello, Zuspielung und live Elektronik ![]() |
17 conference presentation Stratford, Ontario, Canada |
![]() Challenging Digital Media: The Performing Arts Conference UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, STRATFORD CAMPUS September 28-30, 2011, Canada Andreas Weixler (A) presentation "Virtuoso Audiovisual Realtime Performance " audiovisual transformation "The Colors of A Wooden Flute" Se-Lien Chuang (TW/A), bass recorder, interactive visuals Andreas Weixler (A) , multi channel sound processing http://www.stratfordcampus.uwaterloo.ca/events/cdm11/ concept |
16 international conference Huddersfield, UK |
![]() "Momentum Huddersfield" has been accepted for concert presentation out of 854 work proposals at this year’s International Computer Music Conference, which will be held at the University of Huddersfield from 31st July-5th August. Konzert "Momentum Huddersfield" 4. August 2011, 8 PM Ann Evans - saxophone Heather Roche - clarinet Se-Lien Chuang - bass recorder - interactive visuals Andreas Weixler - electronics commissioned by SKE Fonds ![]() supported by ACF London ![]() more info |
14, 15 contemporay concert with chinese instruments Berlin, Köln Germany |
Impromptu 2011 von
Se-Lien Chuang für Pipa und Elektronik ![]() UA: 01. July 2011, Panketal/Berlin Deutschland, XIX.Randspiele - When Electroacoustic Music Meets Chinese Music weitere Aufführung: 21. July 2011, Alte Feuerwache Köln, Deutschland, 100-Year New Sound in Germany - When Electroacoustic Music Meets Chinese Music This concert is based on the Chinese Instrument Pipa and Western Instrument Violin with the electroacoustic music integration, to celebrate the 100th year birthday of the Republic of China, Taiwan. The fused music with both traditional and contemporary styles will be presented here. Seven Taiwanese composers' pieces with computer and two traditional pipa solo pieces will be performed concert programm flyer XIX Randspiele |
13 visual concert Taipei, Taiwan |
A Reminiscene of Pipa
(2011) by Tseng Yu-Chung, visuals by Chuang Se-Lien for flute, percussions and electronics ![]() Animation/Interactive Visuals Project of Naional Taiwan Arts Education Center (Fr.) 24.06.2011, 19:30 at Nanhai Gallery of the National Taiwan Arts Education Center in Taipei composer: Tseng Yu-Chung interactive visuals: Chuang Se-Lien commissioned by Taiwan Computer Music Association ![]() |
12 avant jazz concert Linz |
JIM Communicate - JIM ON STAGE 19.05.2011 - Kleiner Saal Anton Bruckner Privat Universität, Wilderbergstrasse 18, Linz ![]() 20:00 Elfi Aichinger (voc) - Andreas Schreiber (vio) - Andreas Weixler (el) 21:00 NEW VOCAL MUSIC ENSEMBLE Eintritt frei ! donwload flyer FOTOS vom JIM
Communicate - JIM ON STAGE vom 19.05.2011:
AUDIO Konzertmitschnitte: FACULTY CONCERT Elfi Aichinger (voc) - Andreas Schreiber (vio) - Andreas Weixler (el) 35 MB, 37 Minuten NEW VOCAL MUSIC ENSEMBLE 38 MB, 40 Minuten |
11 |
CMS - invited lecture
series #5 curated by Andreas Weixler Touch the sound Aspekte der Interaktion mit konkreten Klängen ![]() Thomas Grill - Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) und Institut für Komposition und Elektroakustik, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien Dienstag, 10.Mai 2011 im Lehrstudio des CMS - Computer Music Studio, 11.15 - 13 Uhr Sandgasse 14, Linz, Anton-Bruckner Privatuniversität more |
10 concert organisation Linz |
& Vision 5 Konzert der Musik- und Medientechnologie von und mit Studierenden bei Mag. Andreas Weixler ![]() Zeit: 6. Mai 2011, 19:30 Uhr Ort: kleiner Saal, Bruckner-Universität, Wildbergstrasse 18, Linz info |
9 contemporay composition concert Graz |
die andere saite 4. Mai 2011, Kulturzentrum Minoriten, Graz Violine Solo Konzert Annelie Gahl, Violine Werke Andreas Weixler Partly Ashley, algorithmische, pulsare Komposition Se-Lien Chuang I got reason for you |
8 international workshop Hsin Chu |
![]() NCTU Workshop Andreas Weixler, Master Program of Music Technology, SMIT - Sound and Music Innovative Technology Master National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu City Taiwan 20. April 2011 von 15:30 bis 19:30 more Workshop real-time music system " on Wednesday, 20th April, 1:30-5:30pm In this workshop we explore the possibilities of interaction of algorithmic music concepts, audio processing and audiovisual interaction within the graphical programming environment Max Msp Jitter. Max Msp Jitter is a programming language, specially designed for media artist and musicians. By connecting objects, which are representing programming routines, you design the flow of data and its processing. |
7 international lecture Hsin Chu |
Andreas Weixler: realtime
- non realtime, interactive music systems![]() NCTU,
Master Program of Music Technology, computer music at the
Music Institute,
National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu City Taiwan 19th of April 2011, 1:30 lecture "realtime - non-realtime, interactive music systems" on April 19th, Tuesday 1:30 - 3.30 the lecture gives an insight of the artistic concepts by Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang in algorithmic composition, computer music and audiovisual realtime processing performances. |
6 festival Graz |
8. V:NM
Festival 7. - 10. April 2011 Graz, Austria ![]() festival programm download Andreas Weixler – computer Se-Lien Chuang - piano, bass recorder, computer Rowland Sutherland – flutes the borderline of random coincidence ![]() Do, 7. April 2011 18:00 Theater im Bahnhof (Elisabethinergasse 27a, Graz) |
5 organisation Linz |
invited lecture series #4 (curated by Andreas
Weixler) Univ.
Prof. Martin
Kaltenbrunner (InterfaceCulture,
Kunstuniversität Linz)
Tangible Musical Interfaces![]() 5.4.2011 im Lehrstudio des CMS, Sandgasse 12, Linz, Anton-Bruckner-Privatuniversität Beginn 11 Uhr info |
4 radio broadcasting Austria nation wide |
on stage Ö1 Radio Sendung 4.4.2011, 19.30 Lehrende des Intitutes Jazz und Improvisierte Musik der Linzer Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität. Ein mitreißender Abend im Brucknerhaus Linz am 26. Jänner - präsentiert von Herbert Uhlir. Elfi Aichinger: vocals Allan Praskin, Harry Sokal: reeds Daniel Nösig: trumpet, fluegelhorn Christian Radovan: trombone Andi Schreiber: violin Peter O’Mara: guitar Martin Stepanik, Dejan Pecenko, Christoph Cech: piano, synthesizer Andreas Weixler: electronics Peter Herbert: acoustic bass Helmut Schönleitner: electric bass Herbert Pirker, Jeff Boudreaux: drums, percussion Gerhard Reiter: percussion |
1,2,3 avant jazz Vienna, Salzburg, Linz |
Faculty Tour![]() 24.1.2011 Porgy & Bess Wien 25.1.2011 Jazzit Salzburg 26.1.2011 Brucknerhaus Linz, Wien: Montag, 24.1.2011, 20:30, Porgy&Bess Salzburg: Dienstag, 25.1.2011, 20:00, Jazzit Linz: Mittwoch, 26.1.2011, 19:30, Brucknerhaus - Mittlerer Saal The JIM Faculty Lehrende des Instituts für Jazz und improvisierte Musik (JIM) der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Elfi Aichinger: vocals Allan Praskin, Harry Sokal: reeds Daniel Nösig: trumpet, fluegelhorn Christian Radovan: trombone Andi Schreiber: violin Peter O’Mara: guitar Martin Stepanik, Dejan Pecenko, Christoph Cech: piano, synthesizer Andreas Weixler: electronics Peter Herbert: acoustic bass Helmut Schönleitner: electric bass Herbert Pirker, Jeff Boudreaux: drums, percussion Gerhard Reiter: percussion Werke von Sokal, O`Mara, Pecenko, Stepanik, Herbert, Weixler, Cech, Praskin und Schönleitner. Andreas Weixler iScore JIMf, interaktive Partitur auf multiplen iBooks ![]() |
support 2011 |