artistic activities
educational contributions
enumeration of
concerts, performances and presentations
composer in residence

Se-Lien Chuang a
- home -
cultural, educational contributions
2017 VICC
- Visby International Centre for Composers / Schweden
2016 Polukružna dvorana Teatra
&TD, Studentski Centar u Zagreb / Kroatien
2015 VICC
- Visby International Centre for Composers / Schweden
2008 SARC - Sonic Arts Research
Centre, Queen's University School of Music and Sonic
Arts Seminar Series, Belfast / Northern Ireland
2008 IWASEDAN International Workshop
and Symposium for Environmental Design and Architecture in
Nagoya / Japan
2008 IAMAS gallery, IAMAS, Ogaki / Japan
2006 Electronic Music Studios, Goldsmiths College,
University of London / UK
2005 CEMI, center for experimental music and intermedia,
University of North Textas, College of Music, Merrill Ellis
Intermedia Theatre / USA
2005 Owens Fine Arts Center, Meadows School of the Arts,
Southern Methodist University, Division of Music / USA
2005 Mensch & Computer, 5. Interdisciplinary Conference
at Johannes Kepler University Linz / Austria
2005 Schloß Weinberg, JIM – Institute for Jazz and
Improvised Music at Anton Bruckner Private University Linz /
2003/04 Tainan National College of the Arts, Department of
Applied Music/Taiwan
2001 Computer Music and Media Arts - Nagoya City University
/ Japan
2000 Mit allen Sinnen - Theresianum Eisenstadt
Projekt China / Austria
2000 video workshop- HAK Freistadt / Austria
´96, ´97,´98, ´99 school project: Klangnetze - Styria / Austria
enumeration of concerts, performances and presentations
* ars electronica
festival @ ABPU Linz/Austria ́17
* Blurred Edges - -
Festival für aktuelle Musik Hamburg/Germany ́17
* TNC conference,
Linz/Austria ́17
* 11. V:NM Festival,
Graz/Austria ́17
* NIME - international Conference in New Interface
for Musical Expression in Copenhagen, Denmark ́17
* National Chaio Tung
University, Hsinchu/Taiwan ́17
* IGNM @ prattica E in
der Ö1-Reihe Zeit-Ton/Austria ́16
* Polukružna dvorana
Teatra &TD, Studentski Centar u Zagreb, Croatia ́16
* Leicht über Linz,
ABPU/Linz/Austria ́16
* 20th anniversary
party of V:NM, Graz/Austria ́16
* Symposium Media Art
and the Art Market Symposium, Linz/Austria ́16
* Stockholm Erasmus -
Königliche Musikhochschule in Stockholm/Sweden ́16
* ICMC - International Computer Music Conference
Utrecht, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht und Gaudeamus
Muziekweek/Holland ́16
* SMC - Sound and Music
Computing Conference, Hamburg, Hochschule für Musik und Theater
Hamburg/Germany ́16
* ars electronica
festival @ ABPU Linz/Austria ́16
* ISEA 2016 Hongkong
International Symposium on Electronic Arts ́16
* FH Graz Joanneum -
Workshop Design & Research ́16
* Les Lieds,
Minoritensaal, Graz/Austria ́16
* Vernissage
ARTEMONS, Hellmonsödt/Austria ́16
Alte Schmiede, Vienna/Austria ́16
* In
der Strengen Kammer: Lost&Found, Porgy&Bess,
Vienna/Austria ́16
* Sonic
Dulcimer Sonic Lab ABPU, Linz/Austria ́16
* Opening Sonic Lab
ABPU, Linz/Austria ́15
* IGNM @ prattica E,
Graz/Austria ́15
* Musik im Raum - The
Life, Brucknerhaus Linz/Austria ́15
* NIME - the 15th
International Conference on New Interface for Musical Expression at
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA ́15
* Die Lange Nacht der
Österreichischen Neuen Musik, Ö1 ́15
* V:NM Festival,
Graz/Austria ́15
* Sonorities Festival
Belfats/Northern Ireland ́15
* Double Fancy in der
Alte Schmiede, Vienna/Austria ́15
* Studio Fugu Konzert
ABPU, Linz/Austria ́15
* ACF NY Virtuoso
Chances - Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang Electro Acoustic
Portrait ́15
* ACF London - Call for
Composition Commission for Christopher Redgate ́14
* ICMC - International
Computer Music Conference, Athen/Greece ́14
* V:NM Festival
Alpenglow IV - AudioArt Festival - Styria meets Croatia -
Pula/Zagreb/Croatia '14
* ELAK 50 -
Electroacoustic Music Festival Vienna, Vienna/Austria '14
* NYCEMF -New York City
Electroacoustic Music Festival, NYC ́14
* Sweet Thunder Music
Festival of Electro-Acoustic Music at Fort Mason Center in San
Francisco /USA ́14
* Picture Your - Sound
- Your Picture, Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz/Austria ́14
* STIO-Styrian
Improvised Orchester, featuring Graz Stadtschreiberin Ivana
Sajko,Graz/Austria ́14
* Porträtkonzert
Virtuoso Chances featuring Chaung & Weixler,
Boston/MA/USA, ́14
* Musik und Mensch
Konzert - und Kolloquiumsreihe ́13/ ́14 "Zeit und Raum",
Brugg- Windisch/Schwitzerland
* SonicIntermedia:
NOVARS - intermediales Computermusik Konzert in Ars Electronica
Centre Linz/Austria ́13
* ICMC - International
Computer Music Conference, Perth/Australien ́13
* NYCEMF -New York City
Electroacoustic Music Festival, NYC ́13
* iFIMPaC - The
International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and
Composition Leeds College of Music, Leeds/UK ́12
* SonicIntermedia:
BEAST-intermediales Computermusik Konzert in Ars Electronica Centre
Linz/Austria ́12
* ICMC - International
Computer Music Conference, Laibach/Slovenia ́12
* INTER/actions:
Symposium on Interactive Electronic Music, Bangor/UK ́12
ÖKB - Österreichischer Komponistenbund und das ensemble xx.
jahrhundert, Vienna/Austria ́12
* Opening! Festival
Tuchfabrik Trier, Klangkunst ́12
* ICMC - International
Computer Music Conference, Huddersfield/UK ́11
* Konzertreihe der
Taiwan Computer Music Association zum 100-jährigen Bestehen der
Republic of China, Taiwan - When Electroacoustic Music Meets Chinese
Music, Berlin/Cologne Germany ́11
* Zepernick -
XIX.Randspiele, Panketal/Berlin Germany ́11
Animation/Interactive Visuals Project of Naional Taiwan Arts
Education Center, Taipei/Taiwan ́11
* V:NM Festival -
Graz/Österreich '11
* aNOther Festival
Palais Kabelwerk Vienna ́10
* V:NM Festival
Alpenglow Festival Styria meets London - London/UK ́10
* SonicIntermedia:
UEA-intermediales Computermusik Konzert in Ars Electronica Centre
Linz ́10
* ICMC - International
Computer Music Conference, NYC ´10
* Treffpunkt Neue
Musik, ORF OÖ ´10
* SonicIntermedia:
SARC-intermedia computer music concert series in Ars Electronica
Centre Linz ´09
* opening program of
the Salzburger Festspiele, Salzburg/Austria ´09
* Sound and Vision 3 -
Double concert - electronics < -- > 3 pnos, Linz/Austria
* Lange Nacht der Neuen
Klänge, Graz '09
* V:NM Festival -
Graz/Austria '09
* styria meets cologne
- alpen:glühen II, Cologne/Deutschland '09
* Jazz-Nite JIM / ABPU
- AEC Sky Media Loft , Linz '09
* SONORITIES Festival of
Contemporary Music Belfast/Northern Ireland ´08
* ICMC - International Computer Music Conference, Belfast/Northern
Ireland ´08
* IAMAS OPENHOUSE - International Academy of Media Arts and
Science, Ogaki/Japan ´08
* ISEA 2008 - the 14th International Symposium on Electronic Art,
* Sound and Vision - live electronics, video projection & free
spaces of improvisation, Linz/Austria ´08
* IGNM - Festival of Music Vienna/Austria '07
* ICMC - International Computer Music Conference,
Copenhagen/Denmark ´07
* NIME - New Interfaces for Music Expression, NYU/NYC ´07
* BEYOND - The Machine 7.0 - The Eye/Ear Collaboration, The
Juilliard Music Technology Center NYC ´07
* V:NM Festival - Graz/Austria '07
* portrait concert Weixler-Chuang - Experimental Intermedia NYC
* portrait concert Weixler-Chuang - Goldsmiths College
London/England ´06
* 2. Upper Autria Conference of Sciences, Linz/Austria ´06
* MAK - Microstories Austria, Vienna/Austria '06
* Porgy and Bess - Roomig with Janus Ensemble, Vienna/Austria '05
* Wien Modern - Musik der Gegenwart Vienna/Austria '05
* Musik Fest Salzburg - Salzburg/Austria '05
* Ars Electronica Linz/Austria '05
* V:NM Festival - Graz/Austria '05
* realtime/nonrealtime Electronic Music Festeval Basel/Switzerland
* Ultraschall Festival für Neue Musik 2005 - Berlin/Germany
* Logos Tetrahedron 2004 - live electronic music and video
* das 2 Tage-Spiel das Orgien Mysterien Theater ´04 von Hermann
Nitsch - Prinzendorf/Austria
* JSEM concert 2004 -Japanese Society of Electronic Music,
* EuCuE 2003-2004, Series XXII - Computermusik Festival
* 2003 k r y p t o n a l e 9 Festival Berlin/Germany
* 2003 Busan International Digital Technology Music Festival
Busan/South Corea
* Essl-Museum, Klosterneuburg, Serie react_chain '03
* 2003 “Ruheraum” exhibition by the City of Innsbruck of
celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Nordkettenbahn funicular
system which is in the Tyrolean Alps/Austria
* V:NM Festival - Graz, Austria 2003
* DVD Presentation Edition SAMT DVD 1 '03
* National Theatre Concert Hall Taipeh/Taiwan '03
* Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, Austria, 2003
* Open Cube - series of concerts by IEM, Elektroakustik Report 2
* WOMENT - Graz/Österreich '03
* Open Cube - series of concerts by IEM,Elektroakustik Report 1
* SICMF 2002/03 - Seoul International Computer Music Festival
Seoul/South Corea
* Festival contemporánea, Schloß Pötzleinsdorf / Vienna '02
* ISEA 2002 - the 11th International Symposium on Electronic Art
* Festival Schrattenberg / St. Lorenzen bei Scheifling,
O(ffen).R(eal).F(undamental) '02
* Video Edition Austria Release 01 Presentation Vienna & Prag
* artport 2001- MEDIASELECT 2001 Meandering Look -
PreISEA Program, Nagoya/Japan
* marathon '01 Graz
* V:NM Festival - Graz, Austria '01
* Laval Virtual and VRIC (Virtual International Conference),
France ´01
* aktuelle kunst in graz, Austria '01
* NCU/Japan ´01
* Experimental Intermedia NYC ´00
* concert New International Community of Electroacoustic
Music (NICE)/Amsterdam/the Netherlands '00
* Bologna '00
* SIBGRAPI 2000 Video Festival/Gramado-RS, Brazil
* marathon 2000 Graz
* 6. international festival in computermusic of Pusan
Eletronic Music Association Performance-South Korea ´00
* "Fest der Flüsse" Stadtpark/Vienna ´00
* Lovebytes Festival Sheffield/England ´00
* Hörgänge Konzerthaus Vienna ´00
* Center for Contemporary Art, vul. Skovorody
2/Kyiv/Russia '00
* cultur month / Werkstadt Graz ´99
* Festival ElektroKomplex Vienna ´99
* die Musik des 6-tage-spiels, das Orgien Mysterien Theater
´98 von Hermann Nitsch - Berlin/Bonn/Germany ´99
* die Musik des 6-tage-spiels, das Orgien Mysterien Theater
´98 von Hermann Nitsch - ORF-RadioKulturHaus/Austria ´99
Bruckner-Konservatorium Linz
* International Summer Meeting of Electroacoustic Music in
Sarvar/Hungary '99
* V:NM Festival Graz ´99
* 21st International Weeks for Contemporary Music
Lüneburg/Germany ´99
Bruckner-Conservatory Linz
* Atelier Avant concert Graz ´99
* Arts Collection of contemporary ESSL Klosterneuburg ´98
* int. Dance Theatre -Festival of 7. int.StageWorkshop Graz
* das 6 Tage-Spiel das Orgien Mysterien Theater ´98 of
Hermann Nitsch - Prinzendorf/Austria
* Sichuan Conservatory in Chengdu/China ´98
* Festival ElectroKomplex Vienna ´98
* Grazer Burg concert ´98
* IMAGES ACOUSTiQUES ´98 of Bruckner-Conservatory
* Elektronischer Frühling ´98, Westöstlicher Divan: Taiwan
in Wien-Wien in Taiwan
* Dance Theatre with Live Music ´98, in series of concerts
for new music in Graz
* PROJEKT THEATER/Vienna- New York ´98
* Industrial Exhibition -bewegte formen Graz ´98
* Lambeart-Monestery St.Lambrecht, 14.
Künstlerbegegnung ´97
* European Electroacoustic Music in Brüssel - FeBeME et
Musiques§Recherches ´97
* Nite of Jazz and Computermusic ´97 of
Bruckner-Conservatory Linz
* Culture-Spectacle City-Initiative Vienna ´97
* SAMT-concert Music Workstation Wels ´97
* concerts of die andere saite Graz ´97-´00
* Elektronischer Frühling Vienna ´96
- next -
composer in residence
2017: VICC - Visby International Centre
for Composers
electroacoustic composition)
*gula huset
2015: VICC - Visby International Centre for
electroacoustic composition, contemporary
instrumental composition)
Rufen *Largo
2013: NOVARS - Research Centre for Electroacoustic
Composition, Performance and Sound Art at the University of
(mehrkanalige elektroakustische Komposition)
*impromptu for yang-chin
- Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queens University, Belfast,
(multichannel electroacoustic composition, interactive
audiovisual composition)
The Colours of A Wooden Flute
die Wege entstehen im Gehen -
Semie Studie *
2008: IAMAS - International Academy of Media Arts and Science,
(interactive audiovisual composition)
always whisper to them
2004-05: Elektronisches Studio TU Berlin/Germany
Pi and for Io *
Io *
zum Kirschblütenfest
2000-01: special researcher
in computer music and media arts at Nagoya City
living cave
Lauf-auf *
the Story of Heike
1999: SUSS (Sheffield University Sound Studio)
1996: SAMT (Studio for Advanced Music and Media
Technology) Linz/Austria
UEA (University of East Anglia)
BEAST (Birmingham Electro Acoustic Sound Theatre) England
- top -
created: 01.02.2001 cse NCU/Japan
last updat: 11.08.2017 cse AAA