deutsche Version

Dichte4Dichtl (2010) by Se-Lien Chuang
multichannel electroacoustic music & visual composition

duration: 10´ 12´´ (10 min 12 sec)
premiere: 18.10.2010, intermedia computer music concert series Sonic Intermedia with focus on UEA in DeepSpace of AEC - Ars Electronica Centre Linz

This piece will be performed together with die Augenblicke in seinen Händen, using 16x9-meter displays mounted on the wall as well as in the floor and a periphonic loudspeaker system in DeepSpace.

video: MD / frame: CSL

audio/video recording at AKH Linz 2010
audio/video realization at Atelier Avant Austria 2010
Vice Chairman/Cataract Surgeon: Dr. Manfred Dichtl
Chairman/clinical Director: Prim. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Siegfried G. Priglinger
Department of Ophthalmology of AKH Linz

Special thanks for the support of Department of Ophthalmology of AKH Linz.

(in pdf, 10,3 MB)

created: 04.10.2010 csl AAA
updated; 13.10.2010 csl AAA