Studien- und Produktionsaufenthalt im SUSS
Sheffield University Sound Studio, England
composers in residence @ SUSS, Juli-August 1999
folgende Werke entstanden im SUSS:
the following pieces have been created at SUSS during the composers
Andreas Weixler:
Broken Bowls
4 - Talk (SUSS 2), computer music based on instrumental
composition (3 min)
Satie (SUSS 1), interactive performance
deep blue clown, , (SUSS 2),ambience (1 min)
studie.clownerie, (SUSS 2), Klang Studie (3
studie.organ, Klang Studie, (SUSS 2) (1 min)
Crush on You (SUSS 1),interactive performance for Yan-Zin and msp,
first programming and rehearsals
Se-Lien Chuang:
Real Audio
Neben neuen Erkenntnissen in der elektroakustischen Komposition konnten
wir erstmals unsere neuesten und bisherigen Arbeiten im Real Audio Format
erstellen und im Internet praesentieren.
Beside new knowledges in electroacoustic composition, for the first
time we also had the possiblities to create a Real Audio webpage to present
our newest and recent works in the internet.
Vielen Dank an
das oberoesterreichische Kulturinstitut/OOE Landesregierung, das Land
Steiermark , die Stadt Graz und die Universitaet fuer Musik und darstellende
Kunst in Graz, Oesterreich fuer ihre Unterstuetzung,
an Adrian Moore
und Liza Chuang Ihre wunderbare Betreuung.
und Dank an das Music
Department der Universitaet Sheffield
fuer die ausgezeichneten Moeglichkeiten zur Verwirklichung unserer kuenstlerischen
Arbeit waehrend unseres Studien- und Produktionsaufenthaltes im Sheffield
University Sound Studio SUSS
, Juli-August 1999.
Thanks to
the Culture Institute of Upper Austria, the Government of Styria, the
City of Graz, and the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz,
Austria for their commisson
to Adrian Moore
and Liza Chuang for their terrific support and
thanks to the music
department of the University of Sheffield
for the superb facilities gaven to our disposal during the composers residence
at Sheffield University Sound Studio SUSS
July-August 1999.

created 28.08.1999 awSUSS , updated 26.06.2001