---> subjects of lectures

mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
since 2015 Multimedia
since 2018 senior lecturer for Music and Computer

Kunstuniversität Linz, University of
Artistic and Industrial Design
since 2004 lecturer at the
> Realtime Based Media
2005/06 trans-media and inter-media
strategies, 2006/07 digital media & audiory
since 1997 - 2011
since 2011 associate University Porfessor
since 2008 director of CMS Computer
Music Studio
1997- 2018
for music- & media
since 2014
computer music / media composition BA/MA/Phd
2011 habilitation in Computer
music and electroacoustic music, associate professor
1997-2001 and 2004, 2006
- 2008 Studio for Advanced Music and Media Technology
since 2001 at the Institute for Jazz and
Improvised Music
2003 - 2015 at the Institute of
Composition, Conducting and Music Theory
since 2015 Institute of Composition, Conducting and Computer
University of
Applied Sciences at Hagenberg
2006 lecturer for algorithmic art
at Media Technology and Design / Digital Media
TNCA Tainan National College of the
Art, Taiwan, Applied
2003/04 guest
Karl Franzens University in
1998 lecturer at the Institute
for Musicology for acousmatic
& net-music
1992-99 lecturer
symposia, workshops and guest
lectures (60)
Sonic NetArt Performance - electronic and instrumental
improvisation between the continents
Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
人社三館 5F,音樂研究所
Division of Composition and Technology, Institute of Music
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University,
Tues 21.02.2023, NYCU Hsinchu City, Taiwan
realtime - non realtime – audiovisual processing in
composition and performance
Seminar by Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang during the
Longyou Grotto International Music Festival
Longyou Grotto International Music Festival 2019,
Oct 24 - 27. 2019
New Music and Media in Ancient Longyou Caves, a
cross-cultural 4 day technology-mediated international
music festival in the Longyou Grottos, Quzhou, ZheJiang,
China in October 2019. Organized by LTA Longyou Tourism
Agency and Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China
with kind support of the Austrian Embassy and Austrian
Cultural Forum in Peking and the Austrian Consulate
General Shanghai
25.10.2019, Guanghe Radisson, Longyou, China
Virtuoso Chances - Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas
WORKSHOP on iScore and audiovisual interactivity
with Sonic Arts Ensemble and dancers of ACCAD
The Motion Lab ACCAD OSU, Advanced Computing Center for
the Arts and Design
at The Ohio State University in
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Virtuoso Chances
limited random functions in composition and performance
Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang, composer, media
artist, lecturer, Austria/Taiwan
National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu City Taiwan
11.04.2017, lecture: 13:20, workshop: 15:30
Symposium: Music with the Real
Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler,
Vortrag: realtime - non realtime, Einsatz
elektronischer Prozesse in Komposition und Performance
New contexts for sound and Image in Performance and
Kuratiert von Carola Bauckholt in Kooperation mit dem
Norwegian Artistic Research Programme
ABPU, Linz, 06.12.2016 - Dienstag, 6.12.2016, Kleiner
, 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr, Austria
Stockholm Erasmus
Königliche Musikhochschule in Stockholm
Abteilung Komposition, Besuch des Computermusik Studios
• Masterclass, Ao.Univ.Prof Andreas Weixler, 28.0.2016
• Vortrag Workshop und Konzert, 29.09.2016, Andreas
Weixler und Se-Lien Chuang
ISEA 2016 Hongkong
International Symposium on Electronic Arts
artist talk: Audiovisual Realtime Performance The Colours
of A Wooden Flute
Andreas Weixler, & Se-Lien Chuang
Hongkong City University, AC3 Room 5
Saturday, 21 May 2016, 4 PM
FH Graz Joanneum
10.05.2016 Workshop & Vortrag Andreas Weixler
FH Joanneum Workshop Project Work 2
Audiovisuelle Interaktion mit Max/Msp/Jitter
10.05.2016 Raum 307a 13:00
FH Joanneum Workshop Design & Research VO
(für alle Studierenden des Jahrgangs)
Virtuose Zufälle, realtime - non realtime
10.05.2016 Raum 308 17:15
Virtuoso Chances - realtime and non realtime
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
ICAT - Institute for Creativity, Arts, and
DISIS Studio, School of Performing Arts,Blacksburg, VA,
lecture on Virtuoso Chances, computer music
strategies and processing
Northeastern University, College of Arts, Media and
Design, Boston, USA
24. February 2014, class of Prof. Hubert Ho
25. February 2014, class of Prof. Mike Frengel
Audiovisuelle Interaktivität - Zeitgenössische
Instrumentalklänge im Spannungsfeld von Improvisation und
Workshop by Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
14. November 2013, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Brugg,
Virtuose Zufälle - virtuoso chances Vortrag
von Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
23.8.2013, Melbourne University, Computing and
Information Systems, Australia
Enhanced Phenotype, interactive score
(iScore) for multiple computer, audiovisual realtime
composition for open ensemble
ICMC , International Computer Music Conference
long paper presentation, 12.August 2013, Andreas Weixler
& Se-Lien Chuang
12. August, State Theatre Centre – Heath Ledger Theatre,
Perth, Australia
Workshop „ Virtuose Zufälle in Echtzeit -
Improvisation mit Live-Elektronik“
von Andreas Weixler und Se-Lien Chuang
24.11.2012 Haydn-Saal der MDW, Musikuniversität
im Rahmen des Schwerpunktes "Neue Musik" bei
Jean-Bernand Matter
Vortrag - „Virtuose Zufälle - virtuoso chances“ von
Andreas Weixler und Se-Lien Chuang
06.11.2012 Kunstuniversität Wien, Institut für
Komposition und Elektroakustik, Wien
Gastvortragende im Seminar THE CHANCES OF CHANCE, Klasse
Karlheinz Essl
Vortrag - „virtuoso chances“, virtuoso realtime
processes and improvisation
Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang
13.12.2012 Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific
Research in Music (ICSRiM), University of Leeds,
Vortrag „Enhanced Phenotype“ von Andreas Weixler
& Se-Lien Chuang
interactive score (iScore) for multiple computer,
audiovisual realtime composition for open ensemble
14.12.2012 iFIMPaC - The International Festival for
Innovations in Music Production and Composition, Leeds
College of Music, UK
Vortrag „Virtuoso Audiovisual Realtime Performance“
30.09.2011 Symposium Challening the Digital
Media, The Performing Arts -
University of Waterloo, Stratford Campus, Stratford,
Ontario, Canada
workshop "real-time
music systems"
Workshop Andreas Weixler, Master
Program of Music Technology,
National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu City Taiwan
Wednesday, 20th April,
lecture "realtime -
non-realtime, interactive music systems"
Master Program of Music Technology, computer music at
the Music Institute,
National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu City Taiwan
April 19th, Tuesday
1:30 - 3.30
Interaktionen in Wechselwirkung mit Raum und Architektur
15.12.2009 Sense of Architecture
Symposion Raum und
Klang, Künstlerhaus Graz, Austria
with Dieter Gutknecht, Andreas Weixler, Irene Suchy,
Marion Wicher and Werner Jauk
Interaktionen in Wechselwirkung mit Raum und Architektur
17. 11. 2009 Musik, Mathematik und Architektur,
International Symposion in cooperation with WIEN MODERN,
Konzertsaal am Rennweg, Wien
with Hartmut Krones, Helga de la Motte, Chou Wen-Chung,
Andreas Weixler and others.
musical inspiration and
digital concepts
31. 08. 2009 European Cultural Capital City Linz, Symposium and
dance performance Challenging
Music, Dance and Performance: the Electronic Media
mit Helga de la Motte (Berlin), Elena Ungeheuer (Berlin),
Johannes Goebel (Troy, USA), Christopher Salter
(Montreal), Norah Zuniga Shaw (Columbus, USA), Henner
Drewes (Salzburg) and Andreas Weixler (Linz) among others.
Improvisation nach
interaktiven Grafiken – Im kreativen Spiel mit
elektronischen Medien
24.2.2009 Linzer Improvisations Tage 23.-25.
February 2009, Anton-Bruckner-Privatuniversität, Linz
lectures: Vinko Globokar, Cordula Bösze, Christoph Cech,
Michael Fischer, Hannes Löschel, Karen Schlimp,
Andreas Schreiber, Martin Stepanik, Andreas Weixler
Klang & Vision
Ensemble Workshop Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien
9. und 10.2.2009 Week of Jazz, Jam and more
5.........Vision, Schloß Weinberg OÖ
Institut JIM - Jazz und Improvisierte Musik,
Anton-Bruckner-Privatuniversität, Linz
audiovisual realtime processes programming in Max Msp
09.10.2008 SARC Workshop am SARC - Sonic Arts
Research Centre, Queen´s University, Belfast, Nordirland
works of Weixler-Chuang,
computer music and audiovisual realtime processes
08.10.2008 talk at SARC - Sonic Arts
Research Centre, Queen´s University, School of Music and
Sonic Arts Seminar Series Belfast, Northern Ireland
computer music and realtime processes
14.07.2008 Gastvortrag und
audiovisuelles Konzert, IAMAS gallery - IAMAS
International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences, Ogaki,
Gifu, Japan
computer music and audiovisual interactivity
06. 11.2006 Electronic Music Studios,
Goldsmith College, University of London, Andreas Weixler
& Se-Lien Chuang
Virtuoso Audiovisual
Realtime Performance: The Colors of A Wooden Flute
29.07.2008 ISEA 2008 -
International Symposium on Electronic Art in Singapore,
25th of July - 3rd of August 2008
artist presentation Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
Improvised Instrumental Music and Computer Realtime
07.08.2008 IWASEDAN 2008 International
Workshop and Symposium for Environmental Design and
Architecture in Nagoya, Japan, 3.-9. August 2008
Nagoya City University, School of Design and Architecture,
Sound Design Laboratory
artists presentation by Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien
computer music and audio-visual interactivity
06. 11.2006 Electronic Music
Studios, Goldsmith College, University of London, Andreas
Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
audiovisual interactivity
20.09.2005 CEMI, Center for Experimental Music and
UNT - University of North Textas, College of Music, USA
The Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theatre
Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
audiovisual interactivity
Owens Fine Arts Center, Meadows School of the Arts
SMU - Southern Methodist University, Division of Music,
Texas, USA
Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
musical instruments as interfaces
Mensch & Computer
2005, 5. interdisciplinary Conference
at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
art and sience - boarderline of the interactive art
InterfaceCulture Group: Christa Sommerer, Laurent
Mignonneau, Robert Praxmarer, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Sabine
Seymoure, Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang
Mag. Andreas Weixler und Mag. Se Lien Chuang:
Musikinstrumente und deren zeitgenössische Spieltechniken
als Interface zwischen Mensch und Computer
audiovisual interactivity
11. + 12.6.2005 lecture and Workshop,
Andreas Weixler, guests: Se-Lien Chuang, Christoph Cech
Weinberg Castle in
cooperation with JIM –
Institute for Jazz and improvisedMusic of the
multichannel computer
music and audiovisual interactivity
04.11. 2004 electro acoustic music
listening/ Elektroakustische-Musik-hören -"wichtig" Zyklus
at the Electronic Music Studio of the Technical University in
Berlin, Germany
Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler
interactivity and Max/Msp/Jitter
workshop at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal,
organized by Wolfram Zwanziger,
Lehrstuhl für Visuelle Kommunikation (institut for visual
communication), Prof. Hans Günter Schmitz
12th-14th July 2004
From Minimal to Audiovisual
lecture by Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang for Pusan
Electronic Music Association
November the 13th of 2003 at Dongeui University,
Pusan, South-Corea
algorithmic composition and computer
21.4.2003 lecture at TNCA, Tainan National College of
Art, Taiwan
computer music and audiovisal interactivity
22.4.2003 lecture at TNCA, Tainan National College
of Art, Taiwan
lecture midi, audio and video with
7th-9th of Februar 2003, Institut für Neue Musik
an der Staatlichen Hochschule in Freiburg, Germany
7.5..2002 Weinberg Castle, education centre of Upper
Austria, event of the Bruckner-Conservatory
5.+10. 12.2001, Institute of Electronic Music and
Acoustics (IEM) at the University of Arts in Graz,
lecture and workshop
O P - M A X / M S P / N A T O/GEM objectoriented
programing for audio,
midi and video
13th of November 2001, National Taiwan University of
Arts, Taipeh, Taiwan
in English translated into Chinese by Se-Lien
M A X / M S
P / NATO object oriented programming for audio, midi and
16th - 17th of July 2001, Academy of Visual Arts
Leipzig, Germany
music and media arts
19.01.2001 Nagoya City University - School of Design
and Architecture, Japan,
computer music, algorithmic composition, audiovisual
interactivity together with Se-Lien Chuang in English
with Japanese translation by Mikako Mizuno.
Austrian contemporary composition
30.11.2000 Aichi Prefectural University, Japan,
Workshop about compositions by
Furrer, Haas, Essl, Kühr, Mitterer, Neuwirth, Cerha,
Haubenstock-Ramati, Kaufmann Weixler & Chuang
algorithmic composition & computer music
15.5.2000 Nagoya City University, Japan,
algorithmic instrumental composition, electronic music,
signal processing, interactivity, audiovisual
composition and video together with Se-Lien Chuang (Taiwan/A) , in
English with Japanese translation
object oriented programing with Max/msp
5.5.2000 Nagoya City University, Japan,
basics in Max/msp, interactive audiovisual art work with
X-pose and Max, multichanneling and localisation,
algorithmic composition. (in English with Japanese
aspects of electronic
music in Austria
12.5.1999 Lünneburg, Germany, speech for the 21st
international Studyweek of contemporary music
contemporary composition in Austrian schools, project
of ÖKS
institutions of electronic music
in Austria
June 1997 Brussels, Belgium, speech for the NICE,
New International Community of Electroacoustic
computer technology in composition
3.-7-11. 97 Workshop for algorithmic composition and
digital Soundprocessing at the University of Music and
Perfomring Arts, Instiute for Electronic Music, Graz/
Sound Design und 3D Audio Environment
4-11.10 96 Workshop at the University of Design and Arts
- Linz for AIAS international conference of Universites
of Arts, in cooperation with ArchiMedia.
contemporary arts & composition
starting with compositions of jazzrock, popular music,
odd-rhythm and funk music I developed over minimal music,
contemporary music and computer music up to interactive
audiovisual media arts as well as improvised music.
ongoing performances of original compositions and music;
projects in the areas of contemporary music, electronic
music, jazz-related music, music theatre, contemporary
theatre, dance performance and interactive and audiovisual
media arts.
over 200 international published compositions and media
List of Works
Details on selected works:
audiovisual transformation, running-figure-lantern
interactive audiovisual instrumental theater
Waon, Ouroboros, Broken Bowl 4, Sonic
Satie, a crush on You,
Corresponding Methal , Glas Seele , Jade f.o.o.t. , Main!Waves , Plate du jour , Nichts 3.1 , szin 8 Atem , Die gepflückte Lotus,
international art festivals, exhibitions, concerts,
conferences & symposia (248) :
- Live from the Multiverse, Linz - Columbus -
Stanford, 2022
- STIO - Styrian Improvisers, Graz, 2022
- Earthday Festival, online, 2022
- Tenor - International Conference on Technolgies for
Music Notation and Representation, Marseille,
France 2022
- SMC - Sound and Computing Conference, Saint-Etienne,
France 2022
- NIME - New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Auckland,
New Zealand 2022
- ICMC - International Computer Music Conference, Limerick,
Irland 2022
- Das 6-Tage-Spiel, Atelier Hermann Nitsch, Prinzendorf,
Österreich 2022
- Earthday Festival, online, 2021
- Tenor 21 - international conference on technologies
on music for music notation and representation,
Hamburg, 2021
- New York Electroacoustic Music Festival, NYC,
- SMC - Sound and Music Computing Conference, Torino,
Italy, 2021
- 150 Values, Graz, 2021
- GIK - Grazer Impro Klub, 2021
- ICMC - International Computer Music Conference 2021,
Santiago, Chile, 2021
- V:NM Festival, Graz, 2021
- Alpenglow - Styria meets Slovenia, Ljubljana,
- Audio Mostly 2021, Trento, Italy, 2021
- Kulturkotter, Graz, 2021
- Nownet Arts Conference, online, 2021
- CMS Gesprächskonzert, Linz, 2021
- NIME, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire,
UK 2020
- Sound Junction, University of Sheffield
Concert Series, UK 2019
- Longyou Grotto Music Festival, China
- ACCAD OSU, Advanced Computing Center for the Arts
and Design, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
USA 2019
- Bridges 2019, Linz 2019
- Sonic Sonic Catch_catch as cage can #5 - uncage,
Linz 2019
- ICMC-NYCEMF 2019, NYC, USA 2019
- V:NM Festival, Graz 2019
- Rutger University, New Jersey, US 2019
- Sonic Catch_catch as cage can #4 mit Sonic Catcher
Ensemble - chrom, Linz 2019
- STIO & STICRI at KSET, Zagreb, 2018
- STIO & STICRI in Dnevni boravak Rojca, Pula,
- Grazer Impro Klub, Forum Stadtpark Graz,
- ars electronica festival, Linz, 2018
- ALPENGLOW VI - Styria meets Denmark, Kopenhagen 2018
- ICMC - International Computer Music
Conference, Daegu, Süd-Korea, 2018
- NeMe Arts Centre, Limassol, Zypern 2018
- SMC - Sound and Music Computing Conference, Sonic
Crossing, Limassol, Zypern, 2018
- Sonic Environment System Jaquelinde -
morphology, Linz 2018
- Sound & Vision XIII - ear responsible, Linz 2018
- CMS Gesprächskonzert #11, JIM Electric 2:
Klammer-Maaß-Weixler-Chuang, "Percussion mit Hang zur
Elektronik“ 2018
- Sonorities 2018, SARC - Sonic Arts Research Center,
Queens University, Belfast, 2018
- SONIC WAVE AUDIOR , preview Festival 5 Giornate, Mailand,
Italien 2018
- Sonic Environment II - Organica, Sonic Lab, Linz
- Sound & Vision XII - interior light, Sonic Lab,
Linz 2018
- Sonic Environment I - Wood Scratcher, Sonic Lab,
Linz 2018
- beat / unbeat, Sonic Catch_catch as Cage can #2 mit
Sonic Catcher Ensemble, Sonic Lab, Linz 2018
- Strengen Kammer, Lost & Found Porgy&Bess,
Wien 2018
- ICMC - International Computer Music Conference, Shanghai
- GEM Präsentation CD-Edition 30/4, Sonic Lab, ABPU
Linz 2017
- ars electronica festival, Sonic Saturday,
- Sonic Environment, Sonic Lab, Linz 2017
- Sonic Catch_catch as Cage can, Linz 2017
- JIM Summer Jazz Nites, ABPU, Linz 2017
- Sound & Vision XI, ABPU, Linz 2017
- Blurred Edges - Festival für aktuelle Musik Hamburg
-Transformation #2, 2017
- TNC conference, Linz, 2017
- 11. V:NM Festival, Graz 2017
- NIME 2017, Kopenhagen, Dänemark 2017
- National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu City, Taiwan
- Sonic Experiments, Sonic Lab, Linz 2017
- IGNM @ prattica E in der Ö1-Reihe Zeit-Ton, 2017
- Polukružna dvorana Teatra & TD Studentski Centar
u, Zagreb, Kroatien, 2016
- Music with the Real, ABPU, Linz 2016
- Leicht über Linz, Boileroom, Sonic Lab, Linz 2016
- 20th anniversary party of V:NM, 2016
- Symposium Media Art and the Art Market Symposium,
Linz 2016
- KMH Königliche Musikhochschule, Stockholm
- ICMC Utrecht, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht and
Gaudeamus Muziekweek, Utrecht, 2016
- SMC - Sound and Music Computing Conference Hamburg,
Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, 2016
- ars electronica festival, Sonic Saturday, Soniclab
Linz, 2016
- Sound & Vision X - PeriphonicSonic, Sonic lab,
Linz, 2016
- FH Graz Joanneum, Graz, 2016
- Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, die andere saite,
Graz, 2016
- Sonic Experiments, Kunstuniversität Linz, 2016
- ISEA - International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Hongkong
City University and CMC Theatre, 2016
- Open Space at JIM Jazz Nite, ABPU, 2016
- Strengen Kammer, Lost&Found, Porgy&Bess,
Wien, 2016
- Kulturzentrum und Café 7*Stern, Wien, 2016
- Sonic Dulcimer, Sonic Lab, Sonic Lab, Linz, 2015
- OSL - Opening Sonic Lab, Linz, 2015
- IGNM @ prattica E, Minoriten, Cubus, Graz, 2015
- Brucknerhaus, Forum Zeitgenössisches Musikschaffen
Kreiere - Komponiere, Linz, 2015
- VICC Visby composer in residence, Schweden, 2015
- Deutschlandfunk Radiosendung, Opening festival Neue
und alte Musik für Pipa, 2015
- Sound & Vision 9 - Interface, Abpu, Linz, 2015
- NIME at LSU, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, USA 2015
- Die Lange Nacht der Österreichischen Neuen Musik,
ORF Ö1 Sendung, Zeitton Extended, 2015
- V.NM Festival, Graz 2015
- Double Fancy, Alte Schmiede Wien, 2015
- Studio Fugu, ABPU, Linz, 2015
- Sonorities Festival Contemporary Music Queen’s
University Belfast, SARC, 2015
- Austrian Improvisers Orchestra, Forum Stadtpark,
Graz, 2015
- DISIS Studio, ICAT, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2015
- Virtuoso Chances, Austrian Cultural Forum nyc, New
york City, 2015
- Musaik, Fest Neuer Musik IGNM Österreich, Echoraum,
Wien, 2014
- KidsTV, ORF, 2014
- CMS CEUS Projekt, Klavierhaus Merta, Linz, 2014
- Spektrum Neue Musik II, Abu, Linz 2014
- ICMC - SMC - Athen, Griechenland 2014
- Alpenglow Styria meets Croatia, Zagrebački plesni
centar, Zagreb Dance Centre, 2014
- audioart 0.5, Alpenglow, Styria meets Croatia,
Museum of contemporary arts in Istria, Pula
- New York Electroacoustic Music Festival 2014
- Sound & Vision 8 - react, Abpu, Linz 2014
- IGNM STMK, Cubus Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten,
- Crossing Europe Filmfestival, picture your sound
your picture, Linz 2014
- Styrian Improvisers Orchester meets Croatia,
Stockwerk, Graz 2014
- Sweet Thunder Music Festival of Electro-Acoustic
Music, San Francisco 2014
- STIO - Styrian Improvisers Orchestra, Graz
- Virtuoso Chances, Portraitkonzert, Northeastern
University, Boston 2014
- STIO - Styrian Improvisers Orchestra, Stockwerk
Graz, 2014
- die andere saite, Ensemble Schallfeld,
Kulturzentrum Minoriten, Graz, 2014
- ICMC - International Computer Music Conference, 2013
Perth, Australien
- Northcote concert , Melbourne, Australia
- Musik und Mensch, Brugg, Schweiz
- Sonic Intermedia NOVARS, ars electronica center,
Linz 2013
- NOVARS Summer Matinee, Manchester, UK 2013
- Jim Communicate, Linz 2013
- New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, NYC,
USA, 2013
- Toy Piano World Summit, Good Luck Rainy Days,
Philharmonie Luxemburg, 2012
- Portraitkonzert Double Fancy, alte Schmiede, Wien
- Heidelberger Biennale für Neue Musik, 2012
- Sonic Intermedia BEAST, ars electronica center, Linz
- Favoriten Modern, Wien 2012
- Sensor-Live-Elektronik-Tanz-Projekt, Palais
Kabelwerk, Wien 2012
- ICMC Ljubljana, Slowenien 2012
- INTER/ACTIONS, Bangor, Wales, UK 2012
- ICMC - International Computer Music Conference,
Huddersfield, UK 2011
- V:NM festival Graz,
- JIM Faculty Tour, Porgy&Bess Wien, Jazzit Salzburg,
Brucknerhaus Linz,
- sound
& vision IV - KUNST:MUSIK,
APBU, Linz 2010
- aNOther festival, Wien 2010
- Sonic
Intermedia : UEA,
intermedia concert, DeepSpace, ars electronica
center, Linz
- Alpenglow Festival, London 2010
- ICMC 2010,
International Computer Music Conference in New York City and
Stony Brook
- Treffpunkt Neue Musik, ORF Studio OÖ, Linz 2010
- Sense of Architecture, Symposion "Raum und Klang"
Graz 2009
- Internationales Symposion „Musik, Mathematik und
Architektur“ Wien Modern 2009
- SCCH, Hagenberg
- Sonic Intermedia, Ars Electronica Centre, Linz 2009
- Odeion Kulturforum Salzburg 2009
- Challenging Music, Dance and Performance: the Electronic
Media, Symposium
Kulturhauptstadt Linz 2009
- V.NM Festival - Graz 2009 Alpenglühen II - Köln 2009
- Jazz-Nite / ars electronica centre - Linz 2009
- Sala Villa-Lobos, Rio
Janeiro - Brazil 2008
- Santa Marcelina University, Sao Paulo - Brazil
- Centro Cultural, Morelia - Mexiko 2008
- Music@Queen´s, SARC, Belfast, Nordirland 2008
- Festival Internacional de La Habana, Havanna - Kuba 2008
- Lange Nacht der Forschung, Linz, Österreich
- ICMC 2008,
International Computer Music Conference @ SARC, Belfast,
Northern-Ireland 2008
- ISEA 08
- International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Singapore 2008
2008, Nagoya,
Japan 2008
IAMAS, Ogaki,
Gifu, Japan 2008
- Sound and Vision,
Bruckner-University, Linz
Festival Konzerthaus Vienna 2007
07 - International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
- NIME 07
- New Instruments for Musical Expression, New York 2007
- V:NM Festival -
Graz/Austria '07
- Beyond the Machine 07, The Juilliard School
Technology Center, New York, 2007
- experimental intermedia - portrait
concert Weixler-Chuang, New York, USA 2006
- science conference of Upper Austria, Linz 2006
- electronic access @ Goldsmiths -
Portraitkonzert Weixler-Chuang, London, UK 2006
- MAK, Microstories Austria, Vienna Österreich
- Porgy&Bess, Vienna
- Wien Modern, portrait
concert Weixler-Chuang, collective identities,
- Burgtheater, Vienna 2005
- ars electronica festival, Linz, Austria 2005
- real-time/non real-time electronic musis
Festival in Basel / Swiss
- Logothetis Project, Bruckneruniversity, Linz
- 5. v:nm festival, Graz, Austria 2005
- 11th International Festival of Modern Art -
Odessa - Ukraine 2005
- UltraSchall
- Berlin 2005
- electronic access
special asia Japan-Linz 2004
- electronic access
special asia Japan-Vienna 2004
- Logos, Gent, Belgium
- Jazz Nite of the Bruckner-University, Linz, Austria 2004
- JSEM 04 concert of the Japanese society of
electronic music, Tokyo, Japan 2004
- Busan International Digital Technology Music
Festival, South-Corea 2003
- SICMF 03 Seoul International Computer Music
Festival, Seoul, South-Corea 2003
- Museum of the Collection Essl, Klosterneuburg,
Austria, 2003
- Künstlerhaus Wien, Austria, 2003
- v:nm 03 festival, Graz, Österreich, 2003
- TNCA, Tainan National College of Art, Taiwan,
- National Theatre Concert Hall in Taipeh, Taiwan 2003
- Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt , Austria, 2003
- ISEA 02
International Symposium on Electronic Art, Nagoya,
Japan 2002
- SICMF 02 Seoul International Computer Music
Festival, Seoul, South-Corea 2002
- HOTEL PUPIK 02, Festival Schrattenberg
O(ffen).R(eal).F(undamental), Austria2002
- Contemporanea, Vienna, Austria 2002
- BK Jazz Nites, Linz, Austria 2002
- Easter festival, Graz, Austria 2002
- States of Mind - Musikverein,
Vienna, Austria 2001
- artport
& Media
Select, Nagoya, Japan 2001
- Laval Virtual - Laval, France 2001
- V:NM Festival -
Graz, Austria 2001
- Nagoya City University - Nagoya, Japan 2001
- Experimental
Intermedia - New York, USA 2000
- Festival Terza
Prattica, Muziek onder stroom, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands 2000
- New International Community of Electroacoustic Music
- SIBGRAPI Video Festival, Gramado - Brazil
- Kentler International Drawing Space - New York , USA
- Durham Art Gallery - Canada 2000
- Hörgänge - Konzerthaus Vienna, Austria 2000
- Center for Contemporary Art, Kyiv - Russia
- Elektrokomplex
- Vienna, Austria 99
- Vexations, Linz, Austria - 99
- Pusan Electronic Music Association - South
Corea 99
- Musica Scienza, Centro Ricerche Musicali - Rome/Italy
- Klangnetze
- Graz 99
- 21st International Weeks for
Contemporary Music - Lüneburg/Germany
- V:NM Festival -
Graz 99
- Austrian National Exhibition - Knittelfeld 99
- Atelier Konzert -
Graz 99
- Lange Nacht der Neuen Klänge - Festival Hörgänge -
Vienna 99
- Sumida Triphony Hall Tokio/Japan 98
- Sichuan Conservatory in Chengdu/ China 98
- Tra Srittura ed Immagine, Villa Gori di Stiava, Massarosa, Italy 98
- ElektroKomplex- Vienna 98
- int. dance theatre festival - Graz 98
- Tyrolean Conservatory - Innsbruck 98
- Austrian Contemporary Music -Zürich/Swiss 98
- Images
Acoustiques - Bruckner-Conservatory Linz 98
- Experimental Intermedia, NYC 98
- Electroacoustic Music Festival EuCuE
- Lambeart - Monestery St. Lambrecht 97
- open music - Graz 97
- ImageTanz
- Vienna 97
- European Electroacoustic Music Festival Brussels, Belgium
- Nite of Jazz and Computermusic - Linz 97
- Austrian Sound Check/ Steirischer Herbst 96
- Zeitklänge - Berlin,
Germany 96
- Klangnacht Hartberg,
Austria 96
- Festival Absolute Musik - Allensteig, Austria 96
- Festival Elektronischer Frühling -Vienna 96
- Fete de la Musique Landhaushof Graz -95
- Concertos de Musica Eletroacustica - Brazil 95
- open music - Graz 95
- Forfest - Brno/Tschech
Rebublic 95
- baby-ars - Linz/Hagenberg
- electronic access
- Graz 95
- Festival Elektronischer Frühling - Vienna 94
- electronic access -
Graz 93
- 3. International Festival of Contemporary Music -
Bogota, Columbia 93
- Forfest - Kromeríc,
Tschech Rebublic 92
- die
andere saite, Graz,
Austria, 1990- today
- Erstes Grazer Folkfestival, 1975
cooperations with ensembles &
Quartet (A), Sonic Arts Ensemble and dancers of ACCAD
(Ohio, USA), STIO Styrian Improvisers Orchestra, Wind
Quintet of the Klangforum Wien, exxj Ensemble XX. Century,
Ensemble Phase (South Korea), Figura Ensemble (Denmark),
Shanghai ICMC Ensemble (China), Slowind (Wind Quintet
Slovenia), TonArt-Ensemble Hamburg, JIM faculty (Austria),
Roots Ensemble (ICMC Belfast), Juilliard Electric Ensemble
(New York), DissonArt Ensemble (Greece), Janus Ensemble
(Vienna), sang sang (South Korea), Kuwayama-Kijima
(Japan), pierrot lunaire ensemble (Vienna), CFMW China
Found Music Workshop - Ceiphon Ensemble (Taiwan),
ContrastTrio, Klangforum - Vienna, scene instrumental,
percussion ensemble Dama - Dama, Austrian Art Ensemble,
Ensemble für Neue Musik Zürich, Orbis-Quartett, Grazer
Posaunen Quartett, Andreas Weixler Corporation, Eliott
Biss und die Unerhörten, Goldfische, Anchrax,
concerts with musicians from the concert series "die
andere saite"
Gu Wen Qi 頋文麒
(China, Guzheng, 古箏), Marc Ainger (USA, git) and Ann
Stimson (USA, flute), Petra Stump-Linshalm &
Heinz-Peter Linshalm (A, clarinets), Johannes Kretz (A),
Wei-Ya Lin (TW/A), Aleksandra Dragosavac (Serbia, piano),
Miloš Katanić (Serbia, Accordeon), Vojtěch Drnek (Czech
Republic, Accordeon), Julia Russer (GER, Petzold), Jonny
Axelsson (Sweden, percussion), Ivo Nilsson (Sweden,
trombone), Matilda Andersson (Sweden, voice), Jonas
Nilsson (Sweden, double bass), Jesper Løvdal (Sax,
Gernot Tutner (A, electroncis), Seppo
Gründler (A, e-guitar, electronics), Josef Klammer
(A, drums), Stephan Maaß (A, drums, perc), Agnes Heginer
(A, Gesang), Christoph Cech (A, synth), Martin Stepanik
(A, piano), Tristen Parr (Cello, Perth, Australien),
Marianne Gythfeldt (bass clarinet, USA), Andrew Borkowski
(Violoncello, USA), Mike Frengel (electric guitar, USA),
Nicole Cariglia (Violoncello, USA), Madeleine Shapiro
(NYC, Violoncello), Pierre A Tremblay (Bass, UK) Lauren
Hayes (prepared piano, UK), Xenia Pestova (toy piano, UK),
Karlheinz Essl (m@ze°2, Austria), Se-Lien Chuang (piano,
bass recorder, interactive visuals, TW/A), Faye Snowdon
(UK, Flöte), Sioned Roberts (UK, Klarinette), Richard
Eigner (A, Percussion), En-Ju Lin (Pipa, Taiwan) Wolfgang
Schliemann (Schlagwerk, Deutschland), Martin Speicher
(Saxofon, Deutschland), Ulrich Phillipp (Kontrabass,
Deutschland), Ann Evans (UK) - saxophone, Heather Roche
(UK/D, clarinet), Elfi Aichinger, Andreas Schreiber,
Christian Radovan, Annelie Gahl, Hermann Stangassinger (A,
Kontrabass), Vicky Chow (New York City, piano), Hsin-Huei
Huang, Pedro Rebelo (Belfast), Franziska Schroeder
(UK/GER, Sax) John Kenny, Gascia Ouzounian (UK), Laoise
Kelly (Irish harp), Ivan Goff (Irish pipes), Uli
Fussenegger, Todd Reynolds (New York City), Petra
Ackermann, Zsófia Szeghalmy, Rowland Sutherland (London),
Fabian Pollack, Judith Unterpertinger, Peter Herbert
(A, double bass), Reinhard Micko, Pai Yu Ching (sheng)
& Tsai Chen Yu (erhu), Martin Zrost, Kiyoharu Kuwayama
(J, vio), Rina Kijima (J, violin), Kagusho Kitagawa (J,
biwa), Michael Moser (A, violoncello), Shinobu
Ishizuki (J, piano), Christine Svoboda (A, organ), Sandra
Kraus (A, flute), Dagmar Hödl (A, mezzo sopran), Ruth
Straub (A, violoncello), Ulrike Stadler-Fromme (A,
percussion), Arno Steinwider (A, piano), Eva Bajic (A,
piano), Katharina Klement (A, piano)
cooperations with
other arts & media
with Jodi Rose (Singing Bridge, Bangor 2012), Hermann
Nitsch (Orgie-Mystery theatre - play of Six Days (day
1 and 2) 2022, 50 anniversary Burgtheater 2005, 2-days play
2004, Orgie-Mystery theatre - play of Six Days 1998,
Symphonie of Six Days Wien-Berlin-Bonn 1999), Günther
Eichberger (literature and realtime audio processing:
Das Glück des Galeerensklaven 2002), Martin Zrost
(Waon, interactive audiovisual improvisation at vnm 01)
Mikako Mizuno und Kagusho Kitagawa, Se-Lien Chuang
(audiovisual interactivity: The Story of Heike 2001,
Nagoya, Japan), various projects with Se-Lien Chuang (audiovisual
interactive installation: Living Cave 2001, video: Blue
Elephant 1999, Trinity 1999, realtime processing: a crush on
you 1999, O.zon 1997, u/hhua-ghua 1996, audiovisual
interactivity: paper wedding 1999 u.v.a.m, ), Kuwayama-Kijima
(audiovisual interactive improvisation, Japan 2001), Gertrude
Moser-Wagner (video "Ouroboros"
2000, "Luftloch", 1997), Projekttheater - Eva Brenner
(contemporary theatre "Duras",1998, "Einsamkeit der Lust",
1996, workshop act now 1998, "Endspiel 2 Nichts-nothing"
1998, "Endspiel 3" 1998, Limits-no limits 1999), Luise
Kloos Denkwerkstatt 1999, tanzbAAr- Eva
Brunner (dance theatre, 1998), Anna Schrefl Cie
(Tanz, 1997: LAMBEART-monestery St.Lambrecht and ImPuls -
Vienna), Elio Gervasie Dance Company (dance theatre
1988), Dis-Moll - Klement/Steffen (Contact-dance,
1986), Flugfluchten - Katharina Klement
(music,dance and speech, 1987), Nikolaus Leytner
(film music,1980) |
CD ´s by/with Andreas Weixler:
Live from the Multiverse
CD 2022

are very happy about the release of our new CD
with the Sonic Arts Ensemble under
the direction of Marc Ainger:
Two worlds audio
Ann Stimson - flute (C and alto) and extended
flutes, Marc Ainger - laptop, Se-Lien Chuang -
yangqin - voice, mouth organ, Andreas Weixler -
laptop - guitar, singing bowl
Quintet / Trio
Ann Stimson - flute (C and Alto) and extended
flutes, Marc Ainger - laptop, Se-Lien Chuang -
yangqin, voice , mouth organ, bass recorder,
Andreas Weixler - laptop, guitar, singing bowl,
Scott Deal - percussion
new CD release !
Ravello Records and The Sonic Arts Ensemble
present LIVE FROM THE MULTIVERSE, an album
leveraging the possibilities of online performance
and expanding the boundaries of contemporary
music. Musicians from three different continents
connect through the internet on low latency, high
quality audio networks to perform repertoire
ranging from composed, notated scores to freely
structured pieces born from masterfully executed
ensemble improvisation. With the utilization of
extended techniques, singing bowls, and
imaginative sound design, the ensemble develops
and thrives in an enticing and innovative
30/4 (2017)
electroacoustic music and sound art from austria
30 Austrian composers on 4 CD´s
original composition: WaterGhosts,
electroakustische Komposition, VICC 2015
GEM CD production team: Gerald Trimmel, Igor Lintz-Maues,
Se-Lien Chuang, Andreas Weixler
original music "Zerbrochene Schalen 1 - Geborgenheit",
special bowed instrumental sounds for piano, marimba and
string trio
Frühling (1998) Documentation of the festival
concert series "Elektronischer Frühling"
original music: Eilene
electronic access 95- die
andere saite 1 (1996) producer and director of arts
and organisation Andreas Weixler.
original music: Methabl 8.7.order
- DAMA II - die andere saite 2 (1996) original
music: Idem I & Idem II minimal music
for 4 percussionists
2 (1994),
Live Recording of Corresponding Methal, for 2
percussionists, piano and electronics at electronic access
93 , order
Hermann Nitsch Orgien
Mysterien Theater - Tag 5 (2000)
as performer of the electroacoustic part, samples &
Synthesizer, Andreas Weixler & Se-lien Chuang
Beyond Noise and Haste (1994)
by Bor Turel; Andreas Weixler Co - Composer for The Four Seasons
ask for CDR with contemporary instrumental composition,
computer music and live recordings: audio archiv
mp3 files
books about
Andreas Weixler
AI - Artificial
Intelligence, das andere Ich, Ars Electronica 2017
Festival for Art Technology and Society. p 216 Computer
Music & Media Composition
Gerfried Stocker und Christine Schöpf (Hrsg.),
>>Recollection in Every Sound - Audiovisual
Interactive Improvisation<<. In: Hybrid-living in
paradox, Ars Electronica
2005 - Festival für Kunst, Technologie und
Gesellschaft Linz, 1. - 6. September 2005. Hatje Cantz
Verlag 2005, ISBN 3-7757-1569-9, S. 308.
Andreas Auinger (Hrsg.), >>Musikinstrumente und deren
zeitgenössische Spieltechniken als Interface zwischen Mensch
und Computer - Mag. Andreas Weixler und Mag. Se-Lien
Chuang<<. In: Workshop-Proceedings der 5. fachübergreifenden Konferenz
Mensch und Computer 2005 Linz, 4. - 7. September
2005. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft 2005,
books@cog.at Band 197, ISBN 3-85403-197-1, S. 38.
Computer Music Journal,
Vol 28, Number 2, Summer 2004, p 8, documentation of the
Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2003
Mentioning of the contribution of Andreas Weixler and
Se-Lien Chuang
Steering Committee (Hrsg.), >>Waon<<. In:
ISEA 2002, 11th International Symposium on Electronic Art,
Nagoya [Orai], October 27 - 31. 2002, Nagoya, Japan. S. 89f.
report 2002, p 28 (Japanese), audiovisual research of
Chuang - Weixler at Nagoya City University - Japan
Zeitschrift für Musik book Mai/Juni 2002,
Weixler-Chuang in "Symbiosen und Synergien" (symbiosises
and synergies) in "composing in Austria (...)" by Bernhard
Chunich Shinbun (japanese
newspaper) review
about living cave bei artport - media select 01
- Nagoya, Japan 2001
on 27.10.2001
Das Audiovisuelle Archiv Heft Nr. 39/40,
December 1996, Gerald Trimmel
ISSN 1023-5787 pages 57 f about the CD electronic
access 95
ACUSTICA, Elektronischer Frühling. Igor
Lintz-Maues, Gerald Trimmel,
ISBN 3-9511380-0-0, Vienna 1995, pages 21 and
Ongaku Geijutsu, japanese music book series,
September 1998, Mikako Mizuno, pages 74 ff
Lexikon zeitgenössischer Musik aus Österreich, (dictionary
of contemporary composition in Austria)
Bernhard Günther (editor.), mica ,
ISBN 3-901837-00-0, Wien 1997, pages 1132 ff
Yearbook 1996/97 of the master class for Experimental
Visual Design (Prof. Herbert Lachmayer) at the
University of Design, page 97
writings by Andreas Weixler
Radical Atoms, and the
alchemists of our time
Weixler, Andreas (2016): CMS and
Sonic Lab
Ars Electronica 2016 Hatje Cantz
Verlag, ISBN 978-37757-4193-4, p 239
Proceedings of the 2016 ICMC Conference,
2016 Weixler, Andreas and Chuang, Se-lien (2016):
Computer Music Studio and Sonic Lab at Anton
Bruckner University - Studio Report at ICMC 16
Proceedings of the International Computer
Music Conference 2016, S. 258 - 263, ISBN-10:
0-9845274-5-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-9845274-5-8
und ICMC 16 online-download: http://www.icmc2016.com/proceedings.pdf
Proceedings of the 2013 ICMC Conference
„Enhanced Phenotype“, interactive score (iScore) for
multiple computer, audiovisual realtime composition for open
ensemble, Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang, ISBN

Article: Virtuoso Audiovisual Real-Time Performance
by Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
in the book: Interface Cultures, Artistic
Aspects of Interaction
Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau,
Dorothée King (eds.)
transcript Verlag, August 2008, ISBN

ISEA 08 proceedings - International
Symposium on Electronic Arts in Singapore,
paper publication: Virtuoso Audiovisual Real-Time
by Andreas Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang
as book and CD-Rom

The Yearbook of
Nagoya City University-school of Design and Architecture
6, 2002, Introduction to design and architecture
Including an article about the research of
Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang in computer music and
audiovisual interactivity:
Interactive Musical Art in the Second Half of the
Twenthieth Century and the NCU Project 2000
by Mikako Mizuno, Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang,p 197
- 225, ISBN4-87797-040-1
Master Thesis
The border of sound and noise through controlling of
granular sound particles by means of an introduction and
analysis of the composition Paramour for piano and chamber
orchestra by Andreas Weixler, theoretical work, University
of Arts in Graz, 1997.
(original title: Die Grenze Ton-Geräusch durch
Dichtesteuerung granularer Klangauswahl anhand einer
Einführung und Analyse in das Werk Paramour für Klavier
und Orchester)